
  1. Corporate Valuation
  2. VRS specialises in corporate valuation. VRS partners are certified by the Hellenic Capital Market Committee to perform financial analysis and valuation for listed and non-listed companies. VRS provides valuation services in the form of: Equity Research Reports for publicly listed companies. VRS clients consist of local brokerage firms, institutional investors and listed companies. VRS equity research reports are distributed via own network as well as via Thomson Reuters, Capital IQ (member of Standard & Poor’s) and Factset platforms.
  3. IPOs / Private Placements
  4. VRS advises listed and non-listed companies in organising and implementing public offerings and private placements domestically and internationally.
  5. Business Plans
  6. VRS prepares business plans for companies or investment projects, providing assistance in financial budgeting and strategic expansion issues, and support in locating the appropriate strategic partner for its corporate clients.
  7. Industry / Sector Analysis
  8. On demand basis, VRS prepares reports on various sectors with regard to financial performance, qualitative prospects and valuation metrics.